Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Oral Reports

Watch these videos, make a comment about what you learned (50 words), and you will earn 5 extra credit points!




  1. I learned a LOT! First, don't stress about memorizing a script. don't just write down what your going to say and say it or your going to come of as a robot. But, don't overwhelm yourself trying to memorize a LONG passage either. Practice summarizing a passage instead of saying it word by word. Second, stay engaged and excited! Make sure that your passionate about the topic your presenting about. If your not excited, your audience will not be excited either. Keep eye contact and have good body language. Lastly, practice BEFORE you present! don't wing it. Doing this will result in a very unconfident presentation filled with a lot of stuttering and mumbling. Make sure that you are properly prepared before going up there and wowing your audience!

    1. Glad you liked the videos and learned some good techniques!
