Sunday, April 16, 2017

Creative Book Reports

Creative Book Reports – Due May 20th

1st-3rd graders: Please choose one of the activities below. Your teacher will help you choose a book from the Daystar library.

5th-7th graders: Please choose two of the activities below using your in-class reading book as the subject. Keep in mind your thesis statement and 3 supporting details.

All projects will have the purpose of persuading your audience to read your book. Ask Mrs. Velbis for the rubrics for your chosen project. Each project is worth a total of 50 points.

·       Movie Poster

·       Reading Response Journal – 1st-3rd grade – 5 responses

        5th – 6th grade – 10 responses

        7th grade – 15 responses

·       Brochure – 1st-3rd grade – One page – front and back (2 subjects)

                     5th – 6th grade – One page folded – 4 sides (4 subjects)

                     7th grade – Trifold – 6 sides (6 subjects)

·       Make a meal and menu from the period of the story or from certain foods mentioned in the book.

·       Do an interview with a professional in our community that is in some way connected to your book. For example: If there is a baker mentioned in your story, then you would do an interview with a local baker. Present your interview and a picture with you and the baker to the class. You would also present a copy of these to your professional.

·       Create a board game.

·       Use to make a persuasive essay that would include a thesis, 3 supporting details and conclusion. Each point would need to be a minimum of 200 words, and would be presented on a separate slide. Add pictures, clipart, maps, etc… Minimum of 10 slides

·       Create a 3-minute commercial selling your book. Using props and actors and proper scenery. Video and upload to Youtube or present to teacher on a flash drive.

·       Write a persuasive essay. Using the guidelines from the last book report, which you can find at:

Benchmark Dates:

April 20               Activity has been chosen and committed upon by student to Mrs. Velbis and to parents. (Signed goal sheet)

April 27               Picture/proof taken of one project started and texted or emailed to Mrs. Velbis

May 2                  Picture/proof taken of second project started and texted or emailed to Mrs. Velbis*For 5th-7th graders

May 8                  Picture/proof taken of one project half-way completed and texted or emailed to Mrs. Velbis

May 15                Picture/proof taken of second project half-way completed and texted or emailed to Mrs. Velbis*For 5th-7th graders

May 20th             Due dates

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