Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Tomorrow is Parent's Day

We are really looking forward to having our parents and friends at school with us tomorrow!  Because we had a snow day yesterday we will also be doing some catching up. It will be nice to have our family see what we do everyday.

Please remember that all weekly assignments and regular quizzes will still be due tomorrow. Reading Plus is due on Sunday night. Oral and final drafts of book reports are also due - these are a very big portion of the student's grades. Please have your student double check that they have met all of the requirements and also help them practice for their oral presentations. 

Our quote for today is from Malala Yousafzai, who is the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner. She was shot in the head by the Taliban because she was a girl trying to get an education, "In some parts of the world, students are going to school every day. It's their normal life. But in other part of the world, we are starving for education... it's like a precious gift. It's like a diamond."


  1. Is there a certain time to be there for parent day?

    1. Any time that you can join us between 8am and 3pm would be great!
