Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Book Report & Rubric

 Here are the guidelines and rubric for the book report that was handed out on November 9th. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Science for December 2nd

 Watch this video about ideas. Answer the questions and send a picture of Google Docs of the Q's & A's. Then read the document about Rube Goldberg and watch this video. We will be talking more about him and his machines tomorrow. 

Writing and English for December 2nd

 Go to this webpage and write down your answers on a piece of paper. Take a picture and send it to me or you can type it and send through Google Docs. MAKE SURE TO PUT YOUR NAME AT THE TOP.

Another literary device that you need to know is a pun. Make sure you know the defintion. Watch this video and this video on puns. Can you come up with any original puns? Text me one!

Bible for December 2

 Research and write down 15 verses that have to do with predicting Jesus' birth. For example, read Isaiah 9:1-7.  Do you know of any worldly predictions that people have tried to make? Did they come true? Why can we trust the predictions from the Bible?

Write down the verses and answers to these questions and send them to me in Google Docs.


 Read these three sheets and write a reflection of 50 words or more and send to me through Google Docs. 

Writer's Workshop - Personification

 Watch this video on personification. Then watch this story that has lots of personification. You will then write your own story using personification. Turn in through WPP online. Use the student narrative choice. Today, you need to score a 21!

Incredible Minds - Science

 Watch this incredible video and do the attached worksheet. Remember that you need lots of grit to keep pushing past failures. Failure is a doorway to success.


 Watch this adverb video and do this worksheet. Text me a picture before 8:00 am tomorrow.