Monday, September 29, 2014

Math Facts

This week's Bible verse is: "And you must think constantly about these commandments I am giving you today.  You must teach them to your children and talk about them when you are at home or out for a walk; at bedtime and the first thing in the morning." 
Deuteronomy 6:6, 7

Today we took our math facts quiz.  I definitely see improvement!  In two weeks the quiz will be for a grade. So far it has just been training to get them ready for the graded quiz.  Some of the students especially need to work on their subtraction.

In science we talked about the dangers of second-hand smoke, chewing tobacco and e-cigarettes.

For reading we talked about the difference between theme and topic.  The students also took their reading tests.  Tomorrow they will get a new reading book.

Please remember that tomorrow night at 6:30 is Poetry Night.  ALL students need to be in attendance.  It is counted for a grade and each student has a special part.  

Our quote for today is from Samuel Johnson, “What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence.” 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Math Assignments

Math September 29, 2014
3rd         111-114, wkbk 55-56, Khan (properties and pattern for multiplication)
4th         109-112, ( – multiplication)
5th         121-124, wkbk 61-62, Khan (adding decimals: example 1)
3rd         115-118, wkbk 57-58 Khan (the multiplication tables)

4th      113-116, Khan (2-digit times a 2-digit number) Mid Ch. Test Tomorrow

5th         125-128, wkbk 63-64, Khan(subtracting decimals:example 1) Mid Ch. Test Tomorrow
3rd         119-122, ( – multiplication)
4th         117-118 Mid Chapter Test
5th         129-130 Mid Chapter Test
3rd       123-126, ( – multiplication)
4th         119-122, Khan (Example: 2-digit times 2-digit)

5th         131-134, Khan (rounding decimals: to the nearest tenth)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Awards Ceremony

Today was our monthly awards chapel.  It is so nice to celebrate the student's successes.  Today Tristan was awarded the Honesty award, Luke the Most Improved and Joshua was our Student of the Month.  Congratulations!!!

The students were able to make a soap buddy in art and we had a good time learning more about multiplication in math.

In science we did some fun worksheets to help us learn more about the negative effects of drugs.

In writing we worked some more on our opinion essays and we practiced our poem for the DAS poetry night.

Please make sure that all Reading Plus assignments are done by Sunday night.  Also, the students will be having a reading test on Monday covering their reading books.

I will try to have next weeks spelling words and assignments up this afternoon.  Students are welcome to work ahead.

Our quote for today is from Thomas Edison, “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dare to Be!

In Bible we continue to talk about obedience and how the people in our lives, especially God, want us to be obedient because they love us and want to keep us safe.

In science we continue to talk about the dangers of addiction and how each person should stand strong for what is right.  We watched a great video about this:

In math we are now learning different levels of multiplication and the 5th graders are learning the place values of decimals.  Make sure all math assignments are complete.

In writing we continue to work on our opinion essays.  We took an inference quiz today and we started talking about the themes of a story in reading.  You can watch the video for this concept:

Tomorrow Reading Response worksheets are due along with spelling words and definitions, memory verses, and spelling city assignments. We will also have our memory verse, spelling and vocabulary quizzes.

We also worked on our class performance for next Tuesday's poetry night.  All students need to be in attendance at 6:30pm. Our performance is titled "Dare to Be."

Our quote for today is from L'Amour, “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Math Whizzes

The students took an open book and note Bible quiz today.  They did a super job! 

In science we talked about addiction.  You can be addicted to other things - not just drugs or alcohol.  For example, video games or any other "idol."  Anything that takes up your thoughts and attention and draws you away from spending time with your loved ones and changes your attitude, can be signs of addiction.  

The 4th graders took their math tests and everyone is now on to chapter 3 in their Go Math books. Our picture today is of Samantha and Collin doing their Khan Academy during math rotations.

We are writing our supporting details for our opinion papers and we are still learning about inferences. 

Our quote for today is from Chopra, “Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty.” 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Poems Are Due Tomorrow

In Science we took our open book, lesson review test on illegal and prescription drugs.  I think the students did a great job!  Next Friday we will be making Red Ribbon Week Posters.  For more about Red Ribbon Week go to:

In Math the 5th graders retook their math test to see if they could improve their grades.  Tomorrow 4th graders will have their Chapter 2 Tests. 3rd graders are starting multiplication.

In writing we talked about inferences and worked on our opinion essays.  You can watch the inference video at

In writing their opinion piece we talked about supporting details.  Here is a good exercise:

Tomorrow their two poems are due for their project.  

In reading we started a reading response journal.  They will finish up their reading books this week and have a test on them next week.

Thank you to Mrs. Quibell for this great picture of three of our 5th grade boys at the school picnic this past Sunday. 

Our quote for today is from Albert Einstein, "Creativity is intelligence having fun."

Monday, September 22, 2014

Half Day

First, I want to thank everyone for attending the DAS school picnic. It was a great time to fellowship with students and parents in a beautiful location.

Today the students were given their spelling lists and memory verses.  The 3rd and 5th graders took their math tests.  Please make sure that ALL grades complete their  math homework for tonight.

All online assignments will be due this week: readingplus and spellingcity.

The Bible verse this week is: But He said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and obey and practice it!” Luke 11:28

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Math Assignments 9-22-14

September 22, 2014
3rd       Review and retake math test ( – addition & subtraction)
4th         91-94, wkbk 45-46, Khan (introduction to order of operations)
5th         CHAPTER TEST, 103-104 definitions
3rd         97-100, wkbk 49-50, Khan (intro to multiplication)
4th         95-98  CHAPTER TEST TOMORROW
5th         105-108, Khan (decimal place value)
3rd         101-104, wkbk 51-52, Khan (multiplication as groups of objects)
4th         CHAPTER TEST, 99-100 defintions

5th         109-112, Khan(Decimals: choosing a number to represent place value)

3rd         105-108, wkbk 53-54, Khan (more on the concept of multiplication) MID CHAPTER TEST TOMORROW
4th         101-104, Khan (multiplying by multiples of ten)

5th          113-116, Khan (Decimals: comparing place values)

3rd         MID CHAPTER TEST ( – Sketch’s world)
4th         105-108, Khan (Estimating the product of two, 2-digit numbers )

5th         117-120, Khan (Rounding decimals: to the nearest tenth)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Science Field Trip

Thank you to Ms. Taylor for inviting us to come to the FLEC Science Lab. We had a great time learning more about our beautiful bodies that God created.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Venn Diagrams

In Bible we took our memory verse.  The students did an incredible job!  We also took our spelling and vocabulary tests.

In science we continue to learn about why alcohol and cigarettes are a bad choice for our body.  We also learned that the industries for these products are selling them to make a profit.  The companies are not concerned with our health or well-being.

The 3rd graders took a math test and on Monday the 5th graders will have a test.  Please continue to work math facts with your child.

In writing we worked on our poems that are due next week.  We also finished up our tri-fold venn diagrams and continue to work on our opinion essays with peer editing.

Please remember to bring a sack lunch and science lab materials tomorrow.  Sunday is the school picnic and our class has been asked to bring salads.  Flyers have been sent home about both of these events.

Our quote for today is from Robert Bresson, Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen in without hearing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Our question for the day was about our goal.  You can see that the students all had great goals.  We also talk about their long term goals and keeping their focus so that they can meet those goals.

In Bible we are talking about choices and how they affect us and the people around us.  Just like Adam and Eve's choices have affected the entire human race.

In science we are continuing to talk about choices if you choose to abuse drugs.  Again, those choices do not just affect us, but all of the people around us.

Tomorrow the 3rd graders have a test in math.  The fifth graders will have one on Monday.  Please check the daily math assignments to make sure your child has completed their work.

In writing we talked about using good word choice.  We also talked about the difference between fact or opinion. We started on our rough drafts for an opinion essay.

In reading we are working on a tri-fold venn diagram of the characters in our reading books.

Tomorrow spelling words and definitions are due plus an illustrated memory verse.

Our quote for today is from Cossman, "“Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.” 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


This week we are talking about God had a plan from the very start to bring us back to Him.  He never left, but our sins have seperated us.  Here is a beautiful illustration:

In science we looked up possible side effects for cough syrup and caffeine.  We also looked up how much caffeine there was in certain sodas.  We learned the difference between over the counter drugs and illegal drugs and the possible negative side effects in both of these.

In writing we talked about how repetition can be a writing tool.  We worked on our poems.  Please don't forget that on September 24th the students have two poems to turn in for a writing grade.

We took our verb test today and in reading we started working on a compare and contrast booklet for our reading books.

Our quote for today is from Clay Shirky, "“Our social tools are not an improvement to modern society, they are a challenge to it.” 

Math Assignments


3rd      83-86, Khan ( – addition and subtraction)

4th         75-78, Khan (commutative property of multiplication / associative law of multiplication)

5th         88-90, wkbk 43-44, ( – multiplication and division)


3rd      87-90, wkbk 43,44, (         

4th         79-82, ( – multiplication and division)
5th     90-94, Khan (level 4 division)

3rd       91-94, ( – addition and subtraction) CHAPTER TEST TOMORROW
4th         83-86, Khan (3 digits times 1 digit example / 4 digits times 1 digit example)
5th     95-98, wkbk 47-48, ( – multiplication and division)


3rd         Chapter Test, 95-96 and definitions

4th         87-90, ( – multiplication and division)
5th     99-102 ( – multiplication and division)CHAPTER TEST ON MONDAY


3rd         FIELD TRIP

4th         FIELD TRIP

5th       FIELD TRIP

Monday, September 15, 2014

Short Week

Because of our field trip to the FLEC science lab on Friday, our assignments will be due on Thursday.  NO SpellingCity assignments this week - only written spelling words and definitions.  

The Bible verse, which still needs to be written 5X and illustrated this week is, "The payment for sin is death, but the gift that God freely gives is everlasting life found in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23

I need to know how many drivers I will have on Friday.  All students need to bring 1 large clear soda bottle, 1 balloon, 1 quart size ziploc bag and 1 large rubber band.

Math assignments for the week will be posted separately.  Uncompleted math facts sheets from tomorrow also need to be finished and turned in tomorrow.

Today we continued talking about our opinion essay.

Our reading strategy this week is compare and contrast.

Our quote for today is from Brandon Sanderson, “Too many of us take great pains with what we ingest through our mouths, and far less with what we partake of through our ears and eyes."

Friday, September 12, 2014

Art Mosaic

We started our day with a chapel from Mrs. Waite's class.  She showed us an example of God's love with a candle that could never be blown out.  Then she had Mrs. G - a guest speaker - come give us a great story on honesty.  

We came back to our classroom and took our spelling, vocabulary and memory verse quizzes.  The students did a great job!!!

The fourth graders did their math tests today and did a superb job!!!  Keep working those math facts everyone!

In art class they discussed the emotional abstract color picture and then Ms. Elliott put them on the wall into a mosaic.  Isn't it beautiful?

In writing we started talking and brainstorming about our opinion essays that we will begin next week.  

Our quote for today is from Nicholas Sparks, "“In the end you should always do the right thing even if it's hard.”

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Teamwork Against Drugs

Tomorrow we will have memory verse quizzes, Bible verses written and color illustrated, SpellingCity assignments, spelling words and definitions and spelling and vocabulary quizzes.  The 4th graders were also given a multiplication sheet that will be due tomorrow.

In science we started working in teams on anti-drug commercials.  The students were split into teams and started planning an anti-drug commercial.  I can't wait to see how they turn out!

4th graders have a math test tomorrow - PLEASE STUDY!  

We continued working on irregular verbs today and starting talking about how to write an essay.  Here is a great video on the essay:

Our quote for today -  “For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.” 
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


In Bible we are talking about how the Garden of Eden and how Satan trapped Adam and Eve with lies.  I think that one of his biggest temptations is to make us ungrateful for what we don't have and that we can fight this by being thankful for what we do have.  Our picture today shows Rebekah writing during writer's workshop based on our book titled, The Thankful Book.

In science we started a new chapter on the dangers of drugs.  We talked at length about how to be a leader not a follower and that our choices always affect someone else.  Using drugs is a bad choice and it has bad consequences.  Here is a video of the importance of being a leader:

Today the 3rd and 5th graders had a mid-chapter test in math.  The 4th graders will have theirs on Friday.

In writing we are continuing our study on irregular verbs and progressive verbs. We will be having a test next week on our verbs.  Today we finished our work on our paragraph assignment and did peer editing.  Tomorrow the students need to turn in their finished paragraph. 

Here are two videos on sentences and paragraphs:    /

I also wanted to share a great article from the founder of Kahn Academy.  Parents, please read!

"After all, when my son, or for that matter, anyone else asks me about learning, I only want them to know one thing. As long as they embrace struggle and mistakes, they can learn anything." ~Salman Kahn

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome Satrese!

We want to welcome Satrese to our classroom!  She is a fourth grader and is a previous student at DAS.  So glad to have you back Satrese.

In Bible we did a worksheet on Adam's Animal Alphabet.  Please check that your student completed their worksheet.

Today in science we took our lesson review test.  And in math we spent a lot of time learning different ways to multiple, divide and do picture graphs.  Please check the previous blog entry for the assignments for the week.  

In writing we are talking about irregular verbs and how to write a paragraph.  Here is a great mini-lesson:

Our quote for today is Anne Frank, "“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” 

Math Assignments for the Week of September 8

Math September 8, 2014

3rd      65-68, wkbk 33,34, Khan (Solving problems with picture graphs 1)


4th         57 – 60, wkbk 29,30, Khan (Multiplication estimation example)

5th         69-72, wkbk 35-36, Khan (dividing by two digits example 2)


3rd      69-72, wkbk 35, 36, Khan (Making line plots, bar graphs, and picture graphs) Study for Mid Chapter Test

4th         61 – 64, Khan (distributive property explained)

5th     73-76, Khan (partial quotient method of division)Study for Mid Chapter Test

3rd       Mid Chapter Test ( )
4th         65-68, Khan (
5th     77-78 (


3rd         75-78, wkbk 37, 38 Khan (Solving problems with bar graphs 1)


4th         69 – 72 (estimates only) Khan ( 3 digits times 1 digit example, 4 digits by 1 digit example) Study for Mid Chapter Test

5th     79-82, Khan (multi digit division)


3rd         79-82,


4th         Mid Chapter Test (

5th       83-86, Khan (More long division without and with remainders)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Math Facts

First, I want to share the wonderful news that Tristan was baptized this past Sabbath!  What a joyous day that was for all of heaven.  I am so proud of his decision to make Jesus his best friend.

This is a full week and we have a full schedule!  This week we are talking about how God lovingly created and molded us.  Our Bible verse is found in Isaiah 64:8,
"But now, O Lord,
You are our Father;
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand."

We made a brochure today for Family Night Activities that will help the health of our families spiritually, physically and mentally.  Tomorrow the students will take them home and share some of their ideas.  I hope that you are able to implement some of them.

We had our weekly math facts quiz today.  Most of the students improved in at least one area.  But I would like to encourage them to continue working on them at home.  My fourth graders especially need to focus some extra attention on memorizing their multiplication tables.  Here is another site to encourage some extra studying:

Tomorrow I will also put all of the math assignments up for the week, in case they forget to take their homework sheet home.

Please make sure your student is spending a few minutes a day at home on Spellingcity, definitions, and Readingplus. 

Kudos to my students for getting many positive compliments from the music/art teacher for their great behavior and eagerness to learn!!!

Our quote for today is from Bernard Edmonds, “To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Today we worked on a creation mural.  It was also a great lesson on teamwork.  The students were split into three groups and had planning and delegation time before they had a project amount of time to complete their portion of the mural.  It turned out beautifully!

3rd graders will be retaking their math test tomorrow and fourth and fifth will be continuing with their assignments in chapter two.

In science we are continuing to talk about the different aspects of health and how important it is to have family and friends as a support system.

Today we continued our study in verbs with past tense verbs and in writing we are studying how to make a correct paragraph and how important good sequencing is.  Here is a great video:

In reading strategies we continued talking about how to make connections to what we are reading.  

Our quote for today is, “If we could follow the slogan that says,"Turn off the TV and open a good book" we would do something of substance for a future generation.” 
― Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Smoothies and Painting

Today I made the students a fruit smoothie, to demonstrate that healthy food can be really delicious!  They enjoyed it and asked for more!  If you want to make one at home, take one frozen banana, 2 cups of your favorite frozen fruit (we used frozen berry mix), one cup of milk (we used almond milk), and 2 cups of juice (we used apple juice).  Put into a blender until fully blended - then enjoy!

Because our music teacher was absent today we did an impromptu art project, trying to paint a scene with as many colors as possible. The children's work was fantastic and always inspiring.

Today the fifth graders did a great job on their math tests.  Tomorrow the 3rd graders have their first chapter one test.  Please continue to monitor your child's homework math assignments to double check they are completed for each day.  I found another great website to practice math facts:

We continued our study on verbs today and sequencing in our writing.  Our verb video today was:

In reading we are talking about a reading strategy about how to make connections with what we are reading.  It helps us to understand and remember what we read.  Watch this video so that you can use some of the strategies after your child has read a piece of material.

Our quote today is from Joseph Addison, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Poetry Contest

I hope and pray that you had a safe and fun holiday weekend.  We will be talking about being a part of God's family this week in Bible.  Our Bible verse is found in 1 John 3:1, "See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him." 

Because this is a shortened week the students will not have to write their spelling words and definitions.  They WILL have Spelling City assignments, Reading Plus assignments and memory verse written 5X, plus our normal every Friday quizzes.

Fifth graders have a math test tomorrow and Third Graders will have one on Thursday. Please review with your student.  

Today I handed out information about: Write’s of Spring Contest and the Creative Communication Contest. Please type a poem with the prompt, “I Make A Difference.”  To see the introductory video go to:
Please also turn in a poem of the student's choosing for the Creative Communication Poetry Contest. They must be typed at 12 inch, Times New Roman font.  They may not enter over 21 lines of text. I am excited to see how they do.  Each year many of our students are published. We will also be using these poems for the DAS poetry night and for a writing grade. These must be original poems by the student.  Please turn in two poems by Wednesday, September 24th.

We also started studying verbs and transitions today.  Here are some great learning videos: And:

Our quote today is from Claire Fagin, “Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.”