Thursday, March 29, 2018

3-D Cell Model Project

3-D Cell Model Project – Due May 14th

See attached rubric and directions. 

1st-4th graders can skip guidelines #B (it could be 2 dimensional) and #G (do not have to include functions).

5th-8th graders please follow all guidelines.

Suggestions – Type in “3-D models of cell ideas” in a search engine and many different ideas will come up. This is also a great website with ideas:

The projects will be put on display at our end-of-the year awards night.


April 9th – Email or text me the website link to your project idea. (5pts)

April 23rd – Email or text me a picture of your project progress. (10 pts)

May 7th – Email or text me a picture of your project ¾ of the way completed. (10 pts)

May 12th – Completed project brought in that morning. (60 points)

3-D Cell Model Grading Rubric (TEST GRADE!)

 Excellent (10)

Satisfactory (9-8)

Needs Improvement (6)
Unacceptable (3)


Project stands out from the rest, shows evidence of considerable effort.

Appearance is neat, labels are typed or neatly written, project is organized, and shows evidence of good effort.

Labels are hard to read, project is not neatly done, more effort needed
Appears hastily built, lack of effort is evident.


Cell model uses materials not often seen in most projects.

Good, creative use of materials that are often used by other students
Minimal creativity is used; project is a poster or other 2-D model.

Lacks creativity, copied from diagram in book.

Cell Type 

Cell model clearly  represents a either an animal or a plant cell

Cell model represents a plant or animal cell.

Model is a replica of a generalized cell.


All organelles & cell parts are accurately detailed and clearly represented.  Actual numbers of organelles are represented.

Most organelles & cell parts are accurately detailed and clearly recognizable. Actual numbers of organelles are represented.

More detail needed to recognize cell parts. Some are not recognizable. Numbers of organelles are somewhat representative of an actual cell.

Parts of cell are generalized “blobs” of color. Numbers of organelles are NOT representative of an actual cell.

Labeled Organelles

11+ organelles are correctly located and labeled on the model.

8-10 organelles are correctly located and labeled on the model.

5-7 organelles are correctly located and labeled on the model.

<5 organelles are labeled OR there are errors with organelles identified.

Functions of Organelles (on back of label)

Functions of all organelles are correctly described in detail.

Functions of all organelles are correctly summarized.

Functions of some organelles are summarized with minor errors.

Functions are not clearly explained or contain errors.
Total Points Earned: __________________ Grade: ___________________/60 

3-D Cell Model
 Objective:  Make a 3-D model of a cell.

Guidelines: A.) You may choose to make a plant or animal cell.  If you choose to  B.) Your cell must be 3- dimensional with front, back and sides.   C.) The model may be edible or non-edible D.) All parts of your cell must be labeled clearly.  Suggestion: use toothpicks  and pieces of paper to make         little flags.   E.) Your organelles should clearly represent the actual organelle.  By just looking at an organelle I should be able to tell what it is.  Ex: Your nucleus should not be square.  Your mitochondria should have a folded inner membrane.   F.) Actual numbers of organelles found in real cells should be represented.  Ex:  Each cell has one nucleus.  Plant cells have one large vacuole.  Cells have multiple mitochondria and other organelles.  G.) Functions of each organelle should be provided.  Suggestion: use the back side of your         label “flags” to write down the job of that organelle. H.) Be unique and creative!  Use a variety of appropriate materials.

Organelles that should be included: 

Eukaryotic Plant Cell Eukaryotic Animal Cell 1. Cell Wall 1. Cell Membrane 2. Cell Membrane 2. Cytoplasm 3. Cytoplasm 3. Nucleus 4. Nucleus 4. Nucleolus 5. Nucleolus 5. Smooth ER 6. Smooth ER 6. Rough ER 7. Rough ER 7. Ribosomes 8. Ribosomes 8. Golgi Apparatus 9. Golgi Apparatus 9. Vacuole(s) 10. Vacuole(s) 10. Mitochondria 11. Mitochondria 11. Lysosomes 12. Chloroplast 

Bible Verse for the Week of April 2nd

1st & 2nd graders please write your verse in your writing tablet and memorize for Thursday morning. 3rd & 4th graders write down your verse 3X and draw a color illustration by Thursday.

“Always be ready. You don’t know the day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42

5th – 8th graders write down your verse 5X and draw a color illustration by Thursday.

Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!” Mark 2:27-28

Math Assignments for April 2


1st –477-480 Chapter 11 Test
2nd –458-460, wkbk 217-218, Study

3rd - 411-414, wkbk 203-204,

7th –413-415  Chapter Review, STUDY

2nd – Chapter 9 Test

3rd – 415-418, wkbk 205-206,

6th – wkbk 215-216, Kahn Academy

7th – page 416, Chapter 9 Test

1st –Have students find 7 circles, 7 triangles and 7 rectangles shapes in magazines and make a combined picture

2nd –470-472, wkbk 223-224,

3rd – 419-422, wkbk 207-208,

7th –424-427,  wkbk 219-220,

1st –486-488, wkbk 227-228,

2nd –474-476, wkbk 225-226,

3rd –423-426, wkbk 209-210,

5th –417-420, wkbk 207-208, STUDY,

6th –Test on Additional Topics

English Assignments for the Week of April 2

6th - 267-268

4th - 241-242,
6thWrite notes on prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, and capitalization (Watch videos for these topics)
4th - 243, quiz 21 & 22
6th – write notes on punctuation, prepositions, direct & indirect objects (watch videos for these topics)
4th - 244-245
6thWrite notes on predicate nominative  and direct address (watch videos for these topics) Review notes with partner

Monday, March 26, 2018

Bible Verse for the Week of March 26

1st & 2nd graders please write your verse in your writing tablet and memorize for Thursday morning. 3rd & 4th graders write down your verse 3X and draw a color illustration by Thursday.

They said to him, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved - you and all the people in your house." Acts 16:31

5th – 8th graders write down your verse 5X and draw a color illustration by Thursday.

"We cannot help but thank God for you at all times, because from the beginning He handpicked you for salvation through the Spirit's sanctifying work and your belief in the truth." 2 Thessalonians 2:13

2018 RMC Music Fest

Thank you to Campion Academy, clinicians and staff, for making this year's music festival a special experience.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Spring Planting

Thank you to Mr. Garcia for spending the afternoon planting with us.

Monday, March 19, 2018

RMC Music Fest Reminders

Hello everyone,

I'm so excited to see all of you on campus in just a short while! As of right now, the count for festival participants has reached 265 students, and we are expecting to have 314 registered people on campus during this Festival. That is an increase from last year of about 30 people! Praise the Lord :)

Here are a few things to keep in mind as sponsors, as we are gearing up our students for this event.


Please make every effort to be here by the appointed CHECK-IN time. This is when you will pay for your School's festival fees and receive the Festival materials for your students. We certainly wish for your students to join us as Mrs. Michelle Velbis (Principal: DayStar SDA School) holds our first devotional time of the festival. Worship begins at 8:30 am. If life happens and you find your group coming in during our first rehearsal or later, please have your kids know where to go and rehearse before you arrive so that they can join the fun as soon as possible. Also please encourage them to be respectful of the learning that is already taking place and take their places quickly and quietly. You can give them name tags and music after the first rehearsal (choir members will need make friends quickly with someone that has music).


It should go without saying that the general expectation of students who attend a Music Festival is to: make music. I feel that last year we had fairly good success in this area and sponsors/teachers should be commended. 

Still, we did observe a very tiny sliver of students last year, who came to this festival without this expectation in mind. Please, do everything in your power to make sure this minority of students are NOT the students you are supervising.  Use the educational tactics and talents God has given you and take steps to make sure your students are properly motivated to meet our Festival expectations in every rehearsal. This will help maximize each of our rehearsals, so that the students can put forth their best performance on Saturday night.

This should also go without saying but: I have heard reports of students being in areas where they should not be. Male students have zero business being anywhere around HMS and its Gym without sponsor accompaniment. Likewise, female students have zero business being anywhere near the Student Center at Hankins Hall without sponsor accompaniment.


For those staying on campus overnight on Thursday, we will be heading to a local Rec Center for an Open Gym time and a chance to do some swimming. This is also open to community students that can be picked up and taken home after we return to our campus. So don't forget swimsuits!


Please refer to the FAQ Page if you are not clear about attire during church and the final concert.

Please continue to pray for your students as we draw closer to this event. Please pray for all our schools that are traveling near and far to get here, that God would keep them safe on the road. Thank you for all the time and effort you have invested in this event already! See you soon :)

-Yves G. Clouzet
Director: Music Department
Head Sponsor: Class of 2021
Campion Academy