Thursday, September 18, 2014

Venn Diagrams

In Bible we took our memory verse.  The students did an incredible job!  We also took our spelling and vocabulary tests.

In science we continue to learn about why alcohol and cigarettes are a bad choice for our body.  We also learned that the industries for these products are selling them to make a profit.  The companies are not concerned with our health or well-being.

The 3rd graders took a math test and on Monday the 5th graders will have a test.  Please continue to work math facts with your child.

In writing we worked on our poems that are due next week.  We also finished up our tri-fold venn diagrams and continue to work on our opinion essays with peer editing.

Please remember to bring a sack lunch and science lab materials tomorrow.  Sunday is the school picnic and our class has been asked to bring salads.  Flyers have been sent home about both of these events.

Our quote for today is from Robert Bresson, Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen in without hearing.

1 comment:

  1. Great creative modalities, Teach. Indeed, we need to put our ears on our hearts.
