Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dare to Be!

In Bible we continue to talk about obedience and how the people in our lives, especially God, want us to be obedient because they love us and want to keep us safe.

In science we continue to talk about the dangers of addiction and how each person should stand strong for what is right.  We watched a great video about this:

In math we are now learning different levels of multiplication and the 5th graders are learning the place values of decimals.  Make sure all math assignments are complete.

In writing we continue to work on our opinion essays.  We took an inference quiz today and we started talking about the themes of a story in reading.  You can watch the video for this concept:

Tomorrow Reading Response worksheets are due along with spelling words and definitions, memory verses, and spelling city assignments. We will also have our memory verse, spelling and vocabulary quizzes.

We also worked on our class performance for next Tuesday's poetry night.  All students need to be in attendance at 6:30pm. Our performance is titled "Dare to Be."

Our quote for today is from L'Amour, “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” 


  1. Looking forward to Dare To Be Poetry Night. Thanks for turning our Little Faucets [minds] full on!
