Thursday, September 5, 2013


Samantha took this picture of her friend Isabelle.  It was Isabelle's birthday today!  Many blessings to you Isabelle.

ITBS testing again today.  3rd and 5th Graders also have a math test tomorrow along with everyone having Bible verse assignments and quiz.

In our morning meeting today we talked about what makes a great leader?  The students had some great ideas.  I asked for some examples of people who where great leaders and many of them mentioned their fathers, mothers, grandparents and pastors - and of course Jesus.  We watched this video:

Our quote for the day is from John Quincy Adams, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday Isabelle. Great candid shot Samantha. We need to feature our good friends more often don't we...even if it's with a camera. :) Inspiring quote, Mrs. Velbis. I love Christ's postures of leadership...stooping down to touch, the corralling soft tones of His voice, and kneeling down to wash feet - kinda opposite to what our culture extols.
