Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Learning Through Failure

We had some great discussions today!  These students are deep thinkers. After practicing our theme song and having a devotion on God's instruction manual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4ycQ3BaprA, we had a great assignment about history. Ask your student why they think history is important and what are some things that happened on this day in history.

We also made a dodecahedron.  Ask your student what that is!  And we talked about how important failure is - especially when we learn from it. Here is a great video on famous failures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLYECIjmnQs  We talked about setting goals and how important that is for reaching our dreams.  Your student made three goals - ask them what they were.

Our quote today is from Winston Churchill, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”  


  1. So, FAILURE, is not necessarily a bad word? Got it. Great work DayStar

  2. glad to see the school working back up with more students tell collin and luke I said hi.

  3. I really appreciate the blog...so nice to get insight on daily topics and enjoy the pics.

  4. I really appreciate the blog...so nice to get insight on daily topics and enjoy the pics.
