Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Theme In A Bottle Project

Theme-In-A-Bottle Project Rubric
Bottle creativity                                                10 points
Bottle neatness & accuracy                              10 points
Letter(in bottle) creativity & neatness             10 points
Letter on WPPonline                                        30 points
Total                                                                 60 points

Project Idea: Theme-in-a-Bottle– Due Monday, April 27
Graphic Organizer due on April 16th
Empty Bottle brought to class on April 23rd

Looking for an interesting project that showcases this learned skill? Here's one of my favorites, which has students writing letters in a bottle from a character's point of view! 
  • Two-liter plastic soda bottle or some other unbreakable see-through container
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Markers, crayons, colored pencils
  • Tissue paper
  • Glue
  1. Tell students that a character in the text wants to share what he or she has learned as a result of his or her experiences through the course of the story. The character has decided to send a message in a bottle or some other appropriate container. 
  2. Have each student decorate a container with symbols and scenery appropriate to the novel and its theme.
  3. Ask students to write a letter from the character's point of view. This letter should express the main character's feelings about the life lessons he or she has learned. At the beginning of the letter, state the theme they think the text conveyed. In the body of the letter, have students incorporate three points that support their ideas.
  4. Tell students the bottle they create will be given to a student in another class who will judge if they presented three points that connect to their theme.
  5. Tell students to be creative! Be neat! And make sure to write as the character in the novel would.

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