Church Prayer
Grant September 19
Audra September 26
Bella October 3
Collin October 10
Daystar October 24
Daystar October 24
Daystar has been very blessed by Mrs. Patton and especially her art skills. The picture today is of the student's artwork - it really is amazing. Please come in and take a look!
We are ordering school t-shirts. The students will all receive one but we are also encouraging parents, family members and church members to order one too. Please go to this link:

In English we have been learning about nouns, verbs, subjects and predicates. Here is a video the students can watch at home:
Remember that all weekly assignments are due tomorrow and memory verse and spelling/vocabulary tests.
Today we talked a lot about kindness and what that looks like. Our quote for today is from Bob Hope, "If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble."
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