Thursday, March 3, 2016

Clay in Art Class

Thank Pastor Brad for giving us a wonderful chapel and for Ms. Nancy helping us sing songs of worship. Then Ms. Patton had the students work with clay today. They had a great time "getting to know" this medium of art.
In History we have been learning about the prophets.  Today we studied Elisha.  Ask your student how many miracles he performed in his life. Here is a video of one of them:

Please don't forget that Reading Plus is still due on Sunday night but then next week is spring break!  Everyone gets a week off to relax and gear up for our last quarter of the school year!

Upcoming dates: March 17-19 Music Fest, March 26th Easter Program at Pueblo 1st SDA and March 29th is our Open House.

Our quote for today is from Theodore Roosevelt, "“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”

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