Monday, October 7, 2013

Last Week of the Quarter

First, I just want to congratulate my students on a job well done!  Thank you to the parents for your support of our program on Saturday morning.  

This is our last week of the first quarter.  Next Thursday there will be parent/teacher conferences.  Please sign up with Mrs. Best in the office.

We have a lot of assignments and quizzes this week. Today the students took their math facts tests and did a superb job!

Wednesday - 3rd and 4th graders have a Mid Chapter Math Quiz.
Thursday - Quiz on writing traits.  Quiz on reading books.
Friday - All normal Friday assignments plus 5th graders have a Mid Chapter Math Quiz and National Parks brochures are due.

Our quote of the day is a thought provoking question from Francis Chan, “Has your relationship with God changed the way you live your life?”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. feel like I'm walking (hugging) a balance beam... I'm learning to let go and trust that the Holy Spirit & Jesus are on either side steadying me.

    I loved Mr. Barajas's inspiring sermon Sabbath one I will return to in trying times. I want to sweat the small stuff...
