Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Preparation for Poetry Night

Kristen took a great candid of her classmates after school dismissal.  I love the camaraderie and joy on their faces.  Great shot Kristen!

Today we practiced our lines in front of a microphone in preparation for the poetry night. Please remember that we need 100% participation because this will go towards their grade and is necessary for the success of our class poem.  Eight of our students have volunteered to recite their own original poems.  We have so much talent in our class! I know you will be impressed!  Please have your child practice their lines in front of a mirror - speaking slowly, clearly and loudly.

The students are also practicing hard for their musical performance on Saturday morning.  They sound like angels!!!

Today we talked about how courage means getting back up even when it is hard.  We watched this video to demonstrate the concept:

I love this quote from Colin Powell, " There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

1 comment:

  1. Kristen! Your picture made a great banner/wallpaper for both the Poetry Café & the Sabbath Musical Program. Nice creativity Kristen and DAS.

    So, success is not that elusive huh? You mean it takes a little blood, sweat, & sometimes tears? Well, I thought I could order it from Amazon or tap my way to success on mySUCCESS app on my smartphone! It's so hard to wait in this instant pleasure world. Thanks for the heeding, Teach.
