Thursday, October 3, 2013

Prodigious Poets

Tonight is the enjoyable DAS Poetry Night.  I will be posting pictures tomorrow of our poet laureates.  I am confident that you will be pleased with your child's performance and their display of thoughtful musings.

I can't believe it but next week will be the last week of the first quarter!  We will be having math facts tests that will count as chapter test grades.  PLEASE encourage them to study over the weekend.

Today I gave them a social studies project.  They will be making a national park brochure, which will be due next Friday.  Their assignment tonight is to come to class with the names of three national parks.

We continued today to talk about getting back up when we have failed.  Here is an encouraging quote from Vince Lombardi, It's not how many times you fall that matters, it's how many time you get back up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Poetry Café was a success by way of the numbers in turn out and certainly by the bravery and poise that each student portrayed on the stage. A great start!

    So that's where Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa got his moré quip when he admonished his son's excuses of his perceived elusive success and when Rocky himself kept getting knocked down in the ring in his last fanfare fight effectively cleansing him from his past allowing him to move forward in life. Like Vince Lombardi, Edison quotes similar convictions.

  3. Nice alliteration in the blog's entry title, Teach.
