Tuesday, January 21, 2014

WPP Online

Thank you Jose for taking our candid picture today.

Parents,  your child was sent home with a gymnastics permission slip and a Step Up information sheet.  Please return the permission slip as soon as possible.

Our students have started a new online program called WPP Online.  It is a website that provides writing practice. It gives immediate evaluation of writing samples. Based on over 40 years of research, the celebrated PEG scoring software used in WPP Online provides instant scoring that shows the skill level of each writing sample. A perfect score is a 36.  So an A=33 B=29 C=26 D=22  It gives instant feedback to the specific areas of the student's writing piece. They can also watch tutorials to help them refresh the areas they need to work on.  Since writing is such a HUGE portion of a student's career this program is a great asset to our students.  They will be using this program and being graded on it.  They must write for the FULL 60 minutes.  They understand the writing process and the steps needed to prewrite, write and edit.  Please ask your child to show you their first piece of writing and their score.  Encourage them and continue to check on their progress to support them and hold them accountable.

In Bible we are going to begin an in-depth study on the fruits of the spirit.  Since we have been focusing on patience our quote today is from Leonardo da Vinci, "Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold."

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