Wednesday, February 28, 2018

History Note Cards

Make history flashcards about each of the following: Due on Wednesday, March 6.
You will be graded on neatness, spelling, and 3 facts for each card. (6th-8th grade - all)
(3rd & 4th grade – 20 cards) (2nd grade – 10 cards)


Colossus of Rhodes

Qin Dyansty

Shi Huang Ti


Punic Wars

Han Dynasty

Silk Road

Maccabean Revolt



Servile War

The First Triumvirate

Julius Caesar



The Second Triumvirate

Herod the Great

The Battle of Actium

Mark Antony

Augustus Caesar

Pax Ramona

John the Baptist

Herod Antipas

Jesus Christ – birth, death, resurrection, miracles

Tiberius Caesar

Pontius Pilate

The Twelve Disciples

Creation Singing

Watch this video to inspire you to take time to join all creation in worshipping our Creator God.

Revelation 5:13, "I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea. Every creature in those places was singing, 'To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever.'”

Psalm 148:2-4, "Praise him, all his angels. 
Praise him, his entire heavenly army.

Praise him, sun and moon.

Praise him, all shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heaven
 and the water above the sky."

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Alyssa's Bible Reflection #2

My verse is, Psalm 62:7-8. And this verse says, “I depend on God to save me. He is my mighty rock. He is my place of safety. Trust in him in all times you people. Tell him of your troubles God is our place of safety.” A Pitbull reminds me of our God. A Pitbull reminds me of this verse because, a Pitbull is as mighty as a rock. You can find a safe place in a Pitbull. You can tell a Pitbull everything you need to. You can trust a Pitbull. For example, I had to stand up in front of my class and tell them about a book I had read. I was so nerves. So, I took a deep breath and I prayed a little. That was a time when I really had to depend on God to guide me. That is what I think of when I hear or say this verse.

Bella's Bible Reflection #2

The verse that is chose is Isaiah 40:30-31,” Even young people become worn out and get tired. Even the best of them trip and fall. But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not feel weary. They will walk and not grow weak.” The reason that I’m thankful for this verse, and because I love it is because it’s encouraging. It tells us that we will get to run for hours at a time and not feel like we just got hit in the stomach with a baseball bat. We will be able to fly like eagles. We’ll fly to the tallest and farthest peaks that we want. We will be able to walk and not want to stop to take a break. We can walk fifty miles if we wanted to. But in the end, we’ll remember that Jesus was the one who gave us all those magnificent things. God said that we will look like angels. He said that we won’t grow weary when we run or do anything for that matter. We will never feel tired and that is what he said he wants for us.

Luke's Bible Reflection #2

I say this because I know what I have planned for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I do not plan to hurt you I plan to give you hope and a good future. Then you will call my name. you will come to me and pray to me. And I will listen to you. You will come to me search for me. And when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me! Jeremiah 29: 11-13. In this verse when it says,” that you will search for me with all your heart,” this makes me feel that even though God loves me he will keep on searching for me. And when he finds me, he will be joyful. It is just like the story of the lost sheep and the Shepard keeps on looking for it, and he will not stop until he finds it. He kept on looking for it because he loved it and that Shepard is Jesus he looks for us and he will not stop until he finds us because he loves us.

Collin's Bible Reflection #2

“Depend on the Lord. Trust Him and He will take care of you. Then your goodness will shine like the sun. Your fairness will shine like the noonday sun. Wait and trust the Lord. Don’t be upset when others get rich or when their plan succeeds.” Psalm 37: 5-7 This verse has special significance to me especially when it says, “don’t be upset when others get rich or when their plans succeed.” I must remember this because deep down when someone succeeds, even though I don’t show it on the outside, I feel a twinge of jealously. I tell myself,” Man, that should have been me.” I need to make sure that I recognize their success and am happy for other’s achievements. After all, wouldn’t I want them to be happy for me?

Audra's Bible Reflection #2

Psalm 33:20-22 says, “We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you.” I really love how this wonderful verse said that we should wait for the Lord, and his coming. I also like how it says and that he is our shield, we need him he is there.

Bella's Bible Reflection #1

Psalms 62:5-6

“I wait quietly before God, for my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.”

The reason I’m thankful for this verse is because God makes it so that we can rely on him with no worries. He makes it, so we have a sanctuary in him. It makes me feel like if my support group goes down I have and will always have another support group. Even him telling me that he is my rock and salvation is very comforting. God said in this verse that he will be “our rock and our salvation’. He wants us to know that we can trust him and that he’ll always be there for us. He wants us to trust him forever. He is like a brick wall, he will be our foundation for all the problems life brings to us. He will be strong when we aren’t.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Middle School Reading Graphic Organizers

New reading graphic organizers were sent out today and will be due on March 5th. There were 4 pages and a rubric sent home. We discussed how to complete each one with grade level expectations. Then next week students will have a final quiz on their reading book.

Math Assignments for the Week of February 26th


1st –405-408 Chapter 9 Test

2nd –382-384 Chapter 7 Test * Maybe skip to a different chapter 

3rd – 355-358, wkbk 177-178,

5th –345-346, wkbk 171-172,

7th –8.1-8.2 Quiz, page 361


1st –414-416, wkbk 195-196,

2nd –390-392, wkbk 183-184, no video

3rd – 359-362, wkbk 179-180,

5th –349-350, wkbk 173-174, STUDY

1st –418-420, wkbk 197-198,

2nd –394-396, wkbk 185-186,

5th –Mid Chapter Test, 351-352

6th –9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Record and Practice Journal - STUDY

1st –422-424, wkbk 199-200,

2nd –398-400, wkbk 187-188, no video

6th –9.1-9.3 Quiz, page 385

7th –373B and 8.3 & 8.4 Record and Practice Journal

Bible Verse for the Week of February 26

1st & 2nd graders please write your verse in your writing tablet and memorize for Thursday morning. 3rd & 4th graders write down your verse 3X and draw a color illustration by Thursday.
“I don’t have any silver or gold, but I do have something else I can give you; By the power of Jesus Christ from Nazareth – stand up and walk!” Acts 3:6

Friday, February 23, 2018

Jolyssa's Bible Reflection #1

Psalm 33:18-19 “Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.”  This reminds of a lion cubs parents they watch over their cubs! When enemies try to attack that cub, the lioness will save him. The cub also respects their parents. They also provide resources for their cubs. In addition, this makes me think of my dad, he provides for me, he protected me when I broke my arm, as well he watches over me.

Audra's Bible Reflection #1

Psalms 33:18 says, “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” I love the way this verse is put. I think it really describes how deep and profound his constant love for us really is. His love is dependable because, he came to this sinful earth willingly, he didn’t just say, “Nope, you guys are too sinful, l don’t want to get my hands dirty dealing with you disgusting people!” No, he didn’t say anything like that at all, in fact he did the exact opposite. He might have said, “I love you; my children so much, that I will even die with excruciating pain, on a somber cross. Even if you reject me.”     

Alyssa's Bible Reflection #1

Psalm 27:13-14

This is my verse I chose. This verse says “Here is something I am still sure of. I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am still alive. Wait for the Lord be strong and don’t loose hope. Wait for the Lord.” A wolf is the animal that reminds me of this verse. A wolf reminds me of this verse because, in the verse it says to be strong. A wolf is a strong animal. It also is a kind good animal that loves the wild. It is a hopeful animal. Therefore, I think of a wolf when someone says God.

Red Cross PIE Night

Thank you to the Red Cross, Daystar volunteers and the Lamb Library for making our P.I.E.(parents involved in education) Night a great success! The students were educated on how to react and plan for a disaster. They were also given a pillowcase to decorate and take home to fill with simple necessities - something they could grab and take with them in an emergency situation. The Red Cross also reminded everyone that if they need smoke detectors in their home, they will come out and install them for free!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Collin's Bible Reflection #1

The verse Isaiah 40: 29-31 “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” It is powerful and inspiring on SO many levels. It says that our earthly, sinful bodies will grow weary, they will stumble, and they will fall. But, in this verse God promises us that, if we trust in Him, he will lift us up on wings like eagles. Jesus promises us renewed strength, He promises that we will run and not grow weary, if we ONLY put our trust in Him. We will have trouble, we will have hard ache, we will have moments where we stumble, fall and throw our head up to heaven and scream, but if we put our trust in Him, He will lift us up and we will soar on the wings of eagles.

Luke's Bible Reflection #1

The verse 1 John 3: 2-2 says,’’ Dear friends, now we are children of God. We have not yet been shown what we will be in the future. But we know that when Christ comes again, we will be like him. We will see him as he really is. Christ is pure. And everyone who has that hope in Christ keeps himself pure like Christ. This verse means that when Jesus comes again he will make us clean and new. But know we aren’t perfect and we make a lot of mistakes. So when he comes again we will be made new. We know when Christ comes again we will be made new and there is no doubt about it. But we don’ know how we will look in the future only god knows that. So, this verse is saying that we will be made into a different person when Jesus come again.

Church Involvement

So proud of the Daystar students who are involved in their local church. Three of my students gave the children's story this past Sabbath. One become a deaconess, many of them help collect the offering, and other students help out in the sound booth. These students are also very involved in their communities through school and church outreach events. 

"My prayer is that as we minister to a generation starving for meaning, we won't lose sight of the reality that what these youth need is Jesus, and that he is most fully offered within the community of the church, of which they are a vital part," writes Mark Howard about the importance of our youth in church. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

English Assignments for the Week of February 19th

No school

4th - 213-214, Quiz 20,
7th –224-226, (write sentences),
8th - 196-198, print off your paper and edit going through steps outlined in your book - do not rewrite at this point - you are only adding edit marks and insertions
4th - STUDY,
6th - 232, 234-236,
7th –227-230 (write sentences),
8th - Have someone do a peer edit. (Share with me in an email a short summary of three things you learned from this speech.)
4th - Test 10
6th – Quiz 14, 237-238,
7th –231-233,
8th - 200-206, Write final draft and turn in on Monday. 

Math Assignments for the Week of February 19th

No school

1st –394-396, wkbk 185-186,
2nd –370-372, wkbk 173-174,
3rd – Chapter 8 Test
5th –331-332, wkbk 163-164, STUDY
6th –357-359, evens, STUDY

1st –398-400, wkbk 187-188,
2nd –374-376, wkbk 175-176,
3rd – 349-350, and Khan Academy fraction section
5th –Chapter 7 Test
6th –Chapter 8 Test

1st –402-404, wkbk 189-190,
2nd –378-380, wkbk 177-178,
5th –341-342, wkbk 169-170,
7th –8.1-8.2 Record and Practice Journal - STUDY